Sensomotoric Foot Orthoses
Karl Schott
Karl Schott
Pedorthist & Educator ||
foot power
Karl is in private Pedorthic practice since 1988 in Sydney Australia running a modern Pedorthic clinic and laboratory. This includes the use of in-shoe plantar pressure mapping and other assessment or scanning technology. Karl has a strong interest in education in Pedorthics. He has conducted training in Australia and Japan over the past 25 years and has been Chairperson of the Pedorthic Association Australia for 10 years, convening the international Pedorthic congress IVO2012. The position of President of the International Association for Pedorthics (IVO) followed for a full 3-year term. He currently
serves as a delegate of the IVO to the WHO.
He was instrumental in the initiation and set up of the national Pedorthic certification structure in Australia. Karl initiated and runs the Pedorthic bachelor degree program at Southern Cross University in Queensland, Australia.
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Advance Pressure Mapping
Advanced Pressure Mapping is an information website where you can find more information about pressure mapping systems or a clinic near you that can provide those services. We also provide training and support for pressure mapping, potential buyers and those wanting to know more.